Wisdom, getting wiser

I promise to always be myself, to always love myself unconditionally.
I promise to act, not because of people, but from the heart, or from correct judgment coming from within.
I promise to accept and accept others, not what I think they should offer but what they can offer.

In the end, I can only be myself. Everyone has their own lens to scan the world. It is not a fact, but just a simple representation of the world. The cats have theirs so is the snake, frogs...
I am at peace with my view of the world.

So even though others view my response as chicken or emotionless, I am being authentic.
This is me.

CBDsigned Blogs Inc,


  1. Knowing yourself is the only way to know, love, and respect others. Remember normal people are not mean. If they are mean, something in their lives or consciousness is not "right".

    1. If you follow your heart, there is no comparison. If you follow your mind, you will never be satisfied.

  2. So long as you can hold it down for someone who continuously lets you down.

  3. The reality is nobody wants to work hard in a relationship, to follow the rules which make it possible to work. Everyone wants to lament and complain...

  4. Whatever I do, I give it my all. But when I am done, I am done.


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