My death Travel Experience

I have died, and was in a place that has no description.
I am not here to explain any religious beliefs or to make any religion right or wrong.
I had such experience after years of prayers towards reaching the highest bliss after death.
So here it goes,

   I just had been laid off from a very stressful job... Got into a lot of complaints towards other workers a month prior. A week later, I was working a back-breaking job. I got home and collapsed on the bed and slept. During such a dream, I became dead, literally dead. I was in a totally other worldly dimension that has no description, but I knew I was complete and safe. A part of me knew something had happened like a blink of an eye (this world). Another part said, do not bother to investigate, it was all an illusion, nothing that ever happened in it was real, it was all a story.

   Everyday I remind myself that none of this is real because it is all based on perception. And when I die, I just stay detached from all the stories and merge with non-attachment, freedom, wherever that is. In my heart, that is the truth.

Life After Death For Real

CBDsigned Blogs Inc,


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