If you are black or dark skinned, don't mess with any Hindu Indians. Or any Indians, period. Especially from Pakistan whether they are Muslims or not. I have not had any issue with Sikh or Bangladesh yet But going over to the first topic Here is why. They don't like black people. They are only dealing with black because they have. If they don't have to, they are not going to. Example: if you are working in a factory production, chances are they will act friendly Example: if you are applying for a software engineer and they are the hiring team, chances are you won't get it. And if in 1% you get it, they will think they are doing you a favor. Don't be fooled by their friendliness. It is all a game, a ploy... Most Hindus are pure walking hypocrites. These are all from my own experiences. All I am saying is, stay away from people who don't see you as equal, no matter the outlooks. Everything that shines is not a diamond. Reality is when they are beneat...