Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman

I should have written this a very long time, but I had to express myself in some way concerning this injustice. This only occurs in America. You are immediately judged by your skin color, by the colors of your clothing and so on. In many other countries, you are judged by your religious affiliation, your tribe and so on.
Coming back to the this subject, this prosecution case is a disrespect to African-American and all black people in general living in America whether from Africa or the Caribbeans. How can somebody run into another person and claim self-defense? How can the jury even entertain that Zimmerman could be walking free. Now that is mind blowing. I understand the black man life in this country is cheap.
what is more surprising was Zimmerman wasn't even charged with anything. The police questioned him and let him free. If it wasn't for the family contacting Al Sharpton, this case would have been buried. It is also the reason why the police chief in that county resigned. It was just another young black man dead in the streets. Trayvon was an handsome young man who didn't deserve to die like that.
I watched a little of bit of the judicial process to see how the defense made knock-knock jokes... and ridiculed the prosecutor's witness Jane.  I am just blown...
It is time that the media and the justice system stop mistreating black people. I see something alarming which is whenever a black person gets killed, instead of bringing justice, they bring out some of the bad things he was involved to paint a bad person which has nothing to do with his slaying. They bring out issues like Trayvon was suspended, had weed in his system... and so on. But rarely do people bring out that Zimmerman has a domestic violence record, has anger issues, never stayed in one job for long, was not accepted in the police academy. We see that same mentality also in the Hernandez murder of Odin. Instead of focusing on getting justice, they try to paint Odin as an unclean person. Come on. It doesn't matter how he lived his life, when it is time to bring fair justice, that is what must be played.


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