
Showing posts from 2013

I hate Facebook

I hate it but I still use it. It take probably two or three hours of my daily time. Fuck... I use it now just about once a week same with reading the news. I hardly post athg. It has been over six months with just one post.

DJ Khaled and Nicki Minaj

I believe DJ Khaled and Minaj will make a great couple.  I like DJ Khaled, but why would he want to marry Nicki Minaj. I mean, there are a lot of good girls out there that would make a great wife than her, but I guess everybody has their own choices, and sometimes the "perfect" girl might not make you happy. Not to downgrade Nicki, she is not my type of woman. But WTF, let's give them love for showing love.  I hope Nicki says "Yes, I do".  Respect!!!

George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin

G. Zimmerman must have had a deep hate of black people, especially black males to commit a crime not so violent to reach national attention for weeks. I mean we all may have some downgrading thoughts towards blacks or Mexicans but to reach not just state-wide, but nationwide attention is remarkable. Looking at his pictures, makes me realize that he was not done with murdering black males. If this case had not reached national attention, he probably would have committed another black murder. He didn't seem concerned that a young person who was going home died innocently. But this case reveals the justice system in American and just how corrupted it is. In many countries, if you commit a murder, it is death. If you steal they cut your hands. In America, you get whatever the jury feels like. So two people can commit the same crime and get different sentences. To me, that is not justice at all. I know our justice system is in the making but we are far from making a justice system t

Dwight Howard is not the right fit for the Lakers

I support D-Howard joining the Houston Rockets. While it may seem odd, Howard didn't perform well with the Lakers and had many altercations with K-Bryant. Needless to say, just like Lebron left the Cavs to join a team that is a championship contender, I believe Howard also is seeking that same glory. People are fantasizing in their minds that the Lakers will be a better team, possibly a championship contender. When it comes to Basketball, that is not always the case. For instance, it took the New York Knicks more than 10 years to build a good team, and money wasn't an issue. They did have great players, but to have a winning team takes more. The 2013-2014 season will be a season to watch, as many injured players are coming back. We have D-Wade, Westbrook, Derrick Rose, Kobe Bryant... Nevertheless I am a New York Knicks fan, and I won't be happy till Carmelo Anthony gets his ring with the Knicks and not just any team.

Lauryn Hill new essay

I share with Lauryn that this society is dysfunctional for black people especially for black males. We live in destructive lives in our own community. This is not how African tribes live within themselves. This system has been imposed by white supremacists and they stand afar watching and laughing like blacks are retarded. But the reality is after slavery was abolished, a lot of hate and racism was infiltrated into our psyche, and that energy that we can not be ourselves fully especially for black women has given rise of animosity within our being and since we can not hit back the master, we inflict it on ourselves and those around us. For black people in America, there is no cultural structure for a working family. It is true that every culture has divorces but not at this alarming rate. Also definitely the way police officers approach black kids has a lot in this psyche about the American dream. Many of course without strong families, they will go on the wrong path. I have seen fro

Hernandez murder of Odin

I respect Hernandez. He seems like a great person and a great player. We all should choose our friends. I always look at how this person can advance me beyond just having fun. Also you must share the same virtues that your friends have, if not they will push you into whatever they are involved in. Again, Odin could have gone as a missing person had Hernandez buried his body. It is time that high profile athletes be brought to justice. There are too many people with money who think they can get away with murder. We should never forget that we must bring justice. Because justice is really to the eye of the victim. The victim's family is not at peace, they need a fair trial, they need justice. But in America, it is the game of lawyers, it is what you can prove regardless if the lawyers that their client did it. Now, how can anyone thrive living with such a low moral for a small price, you lose your integrity. Now that is damaging to society.

Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman

I should have written this a very long time, but I had to express myself in some way concerning this injustice. This only occurs in America. You are immediately judged by your skin color, by the colors of your clothing and so on. In many other countries, you are judged by your religious affiliation, your tribe and so on. Coming back to the this subject, this prosecution case is a disrespect to African-American and all black people in general living in America whether from Africa or the Caribbeans. How can somebody run into another person and claim self-defense? How can the jury even entertain that Zimmerman could be walking free. Now that is mind blowing. I understand the black man life in this country is cheap. what is more surprising was Zimmerman wasn't even charged with anything. The police questioned him and let him free. If it wasn't for the family contacting Al Sharpton, this case would have been buried. It is also the reason why the police chief in that county resigne

Indiana Pacers vs Miami Heat

Indiana Pacers have the capacity, the will drive to beat Miami Heats. As I watch the Miami Heats play, it seems only Lebron is playing. Everyone else is going through the ride. It is without doubt Chris Bosh's mind is not in the game. Not only he is lame, non aggressive, but he has not points, grabs no rebounds, or blocks any shots. Now that is remarkable from a team that had the best team score before the playoffs. Dwayne Wade has no drive. Hopefully Lebron might get some excitement from "Birdman" Anderson who is the only one besides Lebron who has an upbeat energy. I would not be surprised about the Pacers winning game 7 on Monday 03 June 2013. Either way it will be a great playoff year. I would like to see how either team will handle Tony Parker running around the field and knocking down shots. To keep it short, the Miami heat is not unbeatable and there are too many players in that roster who are happy with the millions they make and not driven enough to have a

Cheikh Anta Diop idea about the dissolving of the black culture.

It is indisputable that Ancient Egypt is black Africa. The culture, the art, and the religion are all Africans. But it begs the idea, "How did we go from great to low in less than a 1000 years?" Ok, Cheikh Anta Diop mentioned that the main reason is because when the Greeks entered Ancient Egypt, they destroyed the temples, monuments, and destabilized the education system. The Greeks only took a handful of Egyptian Architects to help them build their European cities. Now, it makes sense. After the Egyptians were subdued, the knowledge that was kept by the royals and high priests which were no longer available to the select masses gradually faded away. The techniques to build structures, heal sickness... were all lost. Now it is accepted that the Dogons of Mali were part of the Ancient Egyptian priests. They have the same knowledge of the cosmos as the Ancients did. Nevertheless, the glorious past of Africans is lost to a great magnitude due to European agenda. Before, a