Paul Ryan had a black girlfriend.

Paul Ryan had a black girlfriend. Does that make him not racist?

We hear these kinds of excuses all the time by people who commit horrific crimes on other races from politicians to law enforcement officers to regular citizens. And their only excuse is I am not racist, I acted because of this/that.
Just because I have a few Mexican friends doesn't make me not racist towards Mexican immigrants. Just because I treat well a Mexican customer doesn't mean I love Mexicans.
It is important to draw the line between racism and having a friend of another race.

What is racism?
As long as you think in any way less of another group of people whether you feel superior or inferior, that is racism. And that will translate in many ways in that person, from racial policies, to violence towards that group.

Does it really matter to mention I have white or black friends to people? No, it doesn't matter to the person who sees everyone as equal.
Racism is a delicate question. Almost everyone who is proud of their history will look down upon another group of people.
So when it comes to politics, we do not need to hear whether you had Hispanic or black friends, but the policies which you will enact that will benefit everyone.

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