
Early Black muslims

 It is funny that when we talk about the black muslims around the prophet Muhammad, it is never represented truthfully in the movies.  when you ask a white or light skinned muslims or Pakistani... Many would claim the color should not matter. That is just not true. When they made a movie of Cleopatra being a black woman, many white Arabs didn't like it. So, don't tell me, the color doesn't matter. How many would watch a black Jesus. It changes the story line of Bilal being the only black muslim, like he is some kind of entertainer with his voice. While there were other black fighters.  I am sick and tired of this narrative. 

The movement of me-too movements, or rapes allegations or coercions.

  There should be a law stating that if a sexual assault happened. If it is not reported within 1 year from the time it was believed to have happened, it should be invalid. What we see now are women who were probably involved voluntarily. Then, as the years passed, they feel bad, and now want to claim sexual assault. If that was the case, every porn star would do that. From 2023 and onward, this should be the new law. Everybody is aware. all women now know they can file. If they don't file, that is their choice. But, to file 5 or 10 years later is not right.  We need to protect the men out there: the rich men, the celebrities, athletes... 

interesting news slow aging:

interesting divorce...

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